Ki no Ieko (紀家子)

KI no Ieko (dates of birth and death unknown) was a court lady in the late Heian period. She was a court lady of Emperor Toba. She was from the Ki clan and her father was Kosei, Iwashimizu Hachimangu betto (superintendant of the Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrine). Her mother was the daughter of Kakushin (Hogen). Kojiju, a kajin (waka poet), was her half sister.

Initially, she was the wife of Taikenmonin FUJIWARA no Shoshi (the Empress of Emperor Toba) and was called to Mino no Tsubone. Then, she became the favorite of Emperor Toba and had two princes and one princess, Cloistered Imperial Prince Doe, Cloistered Imperial Prince Kakukai and Aya Gozen. It is thought that she subsequently gave up the position of consort to the Emperor and become the wife of MINAMOTO no Moronaga, Chunagon (vice-councilor of state).

[Original Japanese]